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Directories: Musicians: Junction Five

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Basic info
Name Junction Five
Formed On 2000
# of Members 4
Homepage artists.mp3s.com/info/192/junction_five.html
Contact/Booking info
Name Mike Conn
Phone 585-247-2589
E-mail mconn@wokrtv.com
Misc 44 Capri Dr.
Rochester, NY 14624

Junction Five plays a large variety of styles, all tangled together. With electronic folk songs, and acoustic dance songs, they all merge to form an alternative electronic pop rock.

Aaron Conn: plays guitar, keys, vocals, programming, and some other stuff.Tom Fox: does vocals, keys, guitar, and strange things.John"Frog"Fernandez: does guitar, bass, vocals, keys, and various hand movements.Donny Mercurio: rips it on the drums, the drums, and more drums!

Radiohead, Beck, G-Love, Soul Coughing

The first CD "A Fairly Reasonable Life" was picked as a top 20 by FREETIME magazine. Openings for Jesus Jones, Jefferson Starship, Jeff Healey(8/3/02).
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