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Directories: Musicians: The Window Room

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Basic info
Name The Window Room
Formed On October 2005
# of Members 5
Homepage thewindowroom.com
Contact/Booking info
Name Bookings
E-mail info@thewindowroom.com

The Window Room is an ambient rock project based in Rochester, NY USA. Our definition of ambience ranges from the electronica ambient era of the late-70's and includes the work of artists like Brian Eno and Harold Budd along with the electronica foundations of Tangerine Dream and Kraftwerk, through the work of the modern era artists such as the omnipresent Mogwai, the irrepressible Flying Saucer Attack, and more obscure, but incredibly valid nonetheless efforts of Eucalyptus and the like.


Eno, Mogwai, Flying Saucer Attack, Eucalyptus, My Bloody Valentine, and many, many more...

The Window Room began simply with an offer. "Keyboard player looking for like minded musicians to form an ambient style rock group." The first to reply right away were Craig Beideman and Michael Farrington. Both are guitarists, but approach the instrument very differently. After about a month of settling on a time to meet and play, we finally got together on October 6, 2005. Armed with only their guitars and amps, they both headed to Shannon Bailey's apartment. We met, exchanged pleasantries, turned on the Christmas lights and just played. There was no discussion as to what to play. We had a basic chord structure that we would jam to. For several hours, we just played long jams that at time were pure magic, other times just kind of repeated themselves, but none the less, were very interesting.

After scaring away one potential bass player, we heard a response from Lou Leone. The four of us met for coffee a month after the first "rehearsal." We talked music, life, and everything in between. We decided that we weren't going to play as a group until we found a drummer. We eventually found one in December and had our first rehearsal on December 7, 2005. After our drummer went missing when we were to start our fourth rehearsal, we had come to a crossroads. We all decided that we wanted to continue, so we went out in search for another drummer. Funny enough, when we were first searching for a drummer, Steve Daniels had emailed us asking if we were still looking for a drummer. This time we took him up on his offer. We agreed to meet on February 4, 2006 at Lou's house where the first rehearsals took place. After deciding that Steve wanted to play on his own drum kit, we moved to his other band's rehearsal space. This is where The Window Room was truly born.

We have been trying to rehearse about once a week. So far we almost have a complete, original 45 minute set that at the time of our first performance will run uninterupted. Our music is a moment in time. It couldn't be created any other time than right now, in the present. All five of our musical/life experiences come together to create this noise we call "The Window Room." We hope you like it.
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