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Directories: Musicians: Jim Sexton

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Basic info
Name Jim Sexton
Formed On October 15 1955
# of Members 1
Contact/Booking info
E-mail jsexton3@rochester.rr.com

Acoustic, Acoustic Rock

Jim Sexton

Folgelberg, Croce, CCR, Outlaws, Pogo, and of course The Beatles

Played basement bands in the 60s-70s with my brother. Was a member of a local band Quinn. After that, got together with others to form Shakey Jake. After that broke the bass player and I did a duo thing. That too went away, kids, work etc. After 25 years with the kids grown, jobs as stable as could be, the bass player and an old member from Shakey Jake and I formed a trio called HighPlains. Great music, great guys, but alas the winds blew a calling for a differant reason. I decided this time to walk away. I have just been doing digital recordings which is an art in itself, and maybe more frustrating than playing out, but don't have to haul the gear anynmore, and it's still fun.
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