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Directories: Musicians: Far Side Hero

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Basic info
Name Far Side Hero
Formed On Recently
# of Members 5
Contact/Booking info
Name Robb Thomson
Phone 716-704-0073
E-mail robbt@rochester.rr.com
Misc Leave me a voice mail anytime.

each member brining a different musical influence to the band, the final equation came out to be a punk/emo band. We have a unique sound, that some have compared to a mix between the anniversary, and thursday.

Each member has been playing for years, have played in several different bands, which gives us a good sense of what the crowd wants.

Girls, girls girls....and life. A lot of our music is about the girls whom we are with, or have been with, or want to be with.

Since we are recently formed, we have no real awards yet, but previous bands such as The Alex Hill Project have won some local battle of the bands.
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