There are tons of web resources available around the country. From special contests to advice columns, our staff does its best to comb through these links and publish the best for you here.
Monroe County
Monroe County
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Monroe County - Monroe County
Rochester Monroe County Runaway And Homeless Youth Services
Offers a range of services to runaway and homeless youth which include crisis counseling, emergency shelter, on-going case management and transitional housing. The emergency, safe, voluntary shelter and supportive services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for all youth in Monroe County up to 21 years of age. Youth may access these services on their own, with or without parental permission, with no fee.
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Monroe County - Monroe County
Rochester Monroe County Youth Bureau
Planning, funding and coordinating agency dedicated to developing, implementing and evaluating a comprehensive system of services for youth in the Rochester and Monroe County community.
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Monroe County - Monroe County